Figuratively depicting how women symbolize, Jinxed At First unveils the tormenting reality of the goddesses of luck in its opening week. Giving life to the magical world of Jinxed At First, Na In Woo, and Seohyun go all-out with their virus-like performance and energy. The series also leaves a message proving that true...
Oh Yeon Seo serves overwhelming visuals and presence as she transforms into a detective in KBS2 TV’s Cafe Minamdang. Cafe Minamdang, affirms a mystery and comical narrative starring Oh Yeon Seo and Seo In Guk. Leading the series are Director Go Jae Hyun (Black) and Writer Park Hye Jin (The...
Ji Chang Wook, Choi Soo Young, Sung Dong Il, and Won Ji An are confirmed to star in new healing drama, If You Say Your Wish. KBS2 TV’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, If You Say Your Wish, completes its awaited and star-studded cast. Directing the series is Director Kim Yong Wan, who...
Moonshine did not disappoint with the humor, tension and emotional moments displayed in its opening week. The opening broadcast of the series has finally arrived. In its first two episodes, the main casts Lee Hyeri, Yoo Seung Ho, Byeon Woo Seok and Kang Mi Na all have shown commendable portrayals. Depicting...
Together with Director Hwang In Hyuk, Lee Hyeri and Yoo Seung Ho disclose insights about their latest work in Moonshine. Set during the most extreme prohibition period in the history of Korea, Moonshine in a nutshell revolves around a conscientious inspector who hunts down moonshiners. However, he ironically falls in...
Promising chemistry of the characters and imaginative fusion of costume historical drama set in the late Joseon era, Moonshine is about to be one of your favorite parts each week! Historical dramas hit differently. Maybe it is because seeing the actors in costumes brings so much charm and vibrancy. Perhaps...
Narrating bittersweet stories, River Where The Moon Rises shows what it means to wield swords to protect loved ones while defying fate. River Where The Moon Rises gives life to the Korean folk tale of how On Dal and Princess Pyeonggang conquers their fateful past and path. Despite controversies, the series...
Marking Police University as his comeback series, Jung Jin Young reveals he is grateful to work with inspiring co-actors and production team. On October 5th, KBS’s Police University ended while leaving warm valuable lessons about life and justice. With Jung Jin Young, Cha Tae Hyun, and Krystal Jung‘s synergy, the series was able to...
Serving a fair justice, Police University upholds that change is possible if we have someone who doesn’t tolerate our unlawful actions. As Police University ended, it highlights the true meaning of having a true partner in times of hopelessness. We should not let our mistakes control and hinder us from a righteous life. Main...
The recently unveiled video teaser for The King’s Affection proves that the chemistry between the two actors is the story’s key point. Upcoming historical and rom-com drama, The King’s Affection heightens expectations with another newly dropped teaser. SF9’s Rowoon and actress Park Eun Bin are set to make our hearts smile starting this October...