Cafe Minamdang’s female lead, Oh Yeon Seo, expresses her excitement as she finds aptitude in her new role. Taking acting transformation to the next level, she adds beauty and grace to the mystery and action drama, Cafe Minamdang. Portraying an enthusiastic detective named Han Jae Hee, her life intertwines with...
Oh Yeon Seo serves overwhelming visuals and presence as she transforms into a detective in KBS2 TV’s Cafe Minamdang. Cafe Minamdang, affirms a mystery and comical narrative starring Oh Yeon Seo and Seo In Guk. Leading the series are Director Go Jae Hyun (Black) and Writer Park Hye Jin (The...
Ji Chang Wook, Choi Soo Young, Sung Dong Il, and Won Ji An are confirmed to star in new healing drama, If You Say Your Wish. KBS2 TV’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, If You Say Your Wish, completes its awaited and star-studded cast. Directing the series is Director Kim Yong Wan, who...