Striking an addictive bait with confidence, Tale of the Nine Tailed introduced a fictional K-Drama world that makes viewers go all-in to explore. Featuring characters that are interestingly sketched, their growing connection is in the horizon for upcoming chapters of Tale of the Nine Tailed. In all honesty, how Lee...
Deviating from the usual lady-gumiho story, tvN’s Tale of the Nine-Tailed features a male-gumiho, an arresting one if you will ask me. Promising a different variety derived from a popular magical folklore character, Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah and Kim Bum headline Tale of the Nine-Tailed. The series marks...
Yay! tvN just confirmed the premiere date of its newest fantasy-romance drama! 구미호뎐 Tale of the Nine-Tailed (LT) stars Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah and Kim Bum in the main leads. It incorporates action, fantasy and romance between a nine-tailed fox and a TV producer chasing after him. Its...
Not one, not two – but five Korean actors are prepping up to meet their adoring fans this month! KingKong by Starship confirms hosting a global fan meeting featuring Song Seung Heon, Lee Dong Wook, Yoo Yeon Seok, Lee Kwang Soo and Kim Bum. On August 3, the agency announced...
Kim Bum is an effortless flower boy in teaser photos from GQ Korea! Drawing attention with his small face and playful clothing ensembles, Kim Bum looks every bit dream boy ladies would swoon about. Donning flower-printed and stylish jackets as well as colorful knitwear, he poses splendidly highlighting the fashion...