A Perfect Family, the highly anticipated new Wednesday-Thursday drama from KBS2, has released a striking and tension-filled 9-person poster, raising the stakes for its upcoming premiere. Directed by renowned Japanese filmmaker Isao Yukisada, the drama promises to take viewers on a thrilling journey through the lives of characters intertwined by...
Yoon Se Ah and Kim Byung Chul are set to showcase their exceptional thriller acting skills in the upcoming drama Perfect Family. In this KBS 2TV series, Yoon Se Ah takes on the role of Ha Eun-joo, a mother fiercely devoted to her daughter. When she learns that her daughter...
The lead stars of Perfect Family shared key insights ahead of its premiere. Perfect Family (directed by Isao Yukisada) is a mystery thriller about a seemingly perfect family unraveling due to their daughter’s murder. The drama, based on a popular webtoon, marks the first Korean drama directed by Isao Yukisada,...
Featuring down-to-earth superheroes set to transform the genre, Cashero is all set to make its sweeping presence! Netflix greenlights Cashero, a series that redefines the superhero genre with a realistic twist. This series, inspired by the widely acclaimed webtoon of the same name, chronicles the life of Kang Sang-woong, an...
Pursuing an old dream and understanding the excitement does not always equate to the corresponding challenges is the biggest takeaway from Doctor Cha. The series provides a meaningful reminder that rediscovering self-worth and regaining self-esteem are gifts that we can give ourselves without permission from other people. Main Leads: Uhm...
Deciding to end her marriage, Cha Jeong-suk confronts another problem involving her mother in the penultimate week of Doctor Cha. Interestingly, Seung-hee receives advice that finally made her realize to love herself more. abbyinhallyuland watches Doctor Cha on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05...
Jeong-suk reached her tipping point in the 6th week of Doctor Cha! Subconsciously the toll is also affecting her children. Amidst her marriage problem, Dr. Kim remains supportive of her while Seung-hee demands In-ho to leave his family and start a new one with them. abbyinhallyuland watches Doctor Cha on...
Jeong-suk had to see before her eyes that there are marriages worth saving in Doctor Cha episode 10. With their relationship out in the open at work, In-ho starts to behave properly like her husband while she holds the inner rage she has while being mentored by her husband’s mistress....
Contemplating her options, Jeong-suk moves out of In-ho’s house after learning the truth about his infidelity in the 9th episode of Doctor Cha. Still, she did not move to confront her husband about it. Seung-hee also boldly presents herself to In-ho’s mother. abbyinhallyuland watches Doctor Cha on Netflix Episode Recaps:...
In-ho’s infidelity is out in the open in the latest episode of Doctor Cha. Protecting their mother, Jung-min and I-rang who both got a front-seat affirmation of their father’s affair chose to not disclose the truth to their mom. Dr. Kim who knows about it also misses the timing to...