Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi are set to gift an endearing romantic comedy, Our Beloved Summer in December. Directed by Kim Yoon Jin and written by Lee Na Eun, Our Beloved Summer depicts the story of a couple who broke up by saying that they had a waste of time...
Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi reunite in SBS’s new healing romance drama, Us That Year. Rounding up the main cast are Kim Sung Chul, Roh Jeung Eui, and Park Yeon Woo. Coming this December, 그 해 우리는 Us That Year (LT) brings us laughter, romance, and healing. Played...
25 Celebrities joined a notable cause in the meaningful drive of fashion magazine W Korea – LOVE YOUR W. Celebrating the ontact edition of the W’s 15th Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign – LOVE YOUR W, the featured celebrities took a meaningful step in participating on the campaign despite their busy...
It’s Da Mi’s time! Your favorite female lead from Itaewon Class, Kim Da Mi, will be hosting her first online fan meeting. Scheduled on 30 July 2020, Kim Da Mi 1st ONLINE FANMEETING, will be broadcast via NAVER V LIVE at 7 PM KST. Kim’s agency, ANDMARQ, revealed details of...