SBS’ upcoming drama, Payback, releases photographs of its first table-read along with a spectacular character lineup. The drama Law Money depicts a thrilling tale of vengeance, following those who risk everything to take down a cartel of wealthy criminals who have conspired with the government. It is a collaboration between...
Assassination triumphs in delivering a captivating plot about history with its lavish action scenes and an outstanding cast. Escaping from being prisoned, Yem Sek-jin (Lee Jung Jae) becomes an independence fighter and works together with Kim Koo (Kim Hong Pa). Kim Koo orders him to recruit “Big Gun” Chu Sang-ok...
Official photo stills of Sinkhole feature the disastrous and stimulating scenes from the tragedy film. Starring Cha Seung Won, Kim Sung Kyun, Lee Kwang Soo, and Kwon So Hyun, Sinkhole confirms to drop on August 11. Headed by the director of a disaster blockbuster, Tower, director Kim Ji Hoon raises expectations. He will be...
Coming this July, The Grotesque Mansion stars versatile actors in a bizarre and realistic horrifying film. The team of The Grotesque Mansion recently held a press conference to discuss the movie. Rising director Jo Ba Reun came together with the lead cast. Sung Joon, Kim Hong Pa, Kim Bo Ra, and Girl’s Day...