Earnestly beginning its production soon, KBS2 drama Crazy Love affirmed its lead pairing! Returning to the small screen since Her Private Life, Kim Jae Wook collaborates with Krystal Jung (Police University) in a new series slated for 2022 airing. Crazy Love chronicles the story of a genius Mathematics tutoring center CEO...
Showing the vibrant life of a fangirl, Her Private Life sprinted to an endearing tale without capitalizing on rom-com clichés. Tidily executed, Her Private Life has an energizing habit of presenting its narrative in bright light as much as possible. Fill your room with the things you love, so you...
Phenomenal workplace stories dominated the roster of 2019 Korean Dramas and character-driven series went home with runaway hits. Proving brave storylines yield favorable response, victorious 2019 Korean dramas had either courageous plot or peerless characters. My guideline for choosing the notable 2019 Korean Dramas are pretty much the basics: inventive...
Netflix is your go-to platform for webtoon-based Korean dramas! This type of K-Drama have taken the center stage in the recent years. Presenting imaginative worlds and interesting characters, the webtoon based series have slowly carved a niche to the thriving K-Drama landscape. Webtoon, a kind of digital comic, are very...
Voice secures an impressive and realistic approach on the battle between good and evil from its onset to the riveting closure. OCN’s Voice takes me back from the fantasy world dwelling to the real world of psychopath’s wickedness. Given the creepy premise, it is disturbingly amazing. Main Cast: Jang Hyuk...