Prepping up for a perfect K-Dramaland wrap-up, Reborn Rich affirms its forthcoming launch and main cast before the year closes! Raising the excitement meter for K-Drama fans, Viu secured JTBC series Reborn Rich top-billed by Song Joong Ki, Lee Sung Min, and Shin Hyun Bin. Reborn Rich chronicles the story...
Full of sentiments, Snowdrop deviated to familiar contours of heartbreaking romance. Remorseless of its unswerving harrowing route, the love story that was overpowered by the political backdrop, strangely sealed the prominent allure of the series. Main Cast: Jung Hae In | Kim Jisoo | Yoo In Na | Jang Seung...
Acquainting viewers to its big-cast production, Snowdrop releases teasers featuring the main characters. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and treats him in the midst of...
Sinking in the world of murders, Mouse investigates the relations between human genetics and crime. Humans become who they are at present through their genes and environment. Envisioning how a person born with unique genes would become, Mouse sets the stage for a thrilling detective adventure together with its healthy...