Cleaning has never been this exciting with Mr Muscle’s latest promotion, featuring a fresh partnership with South Korean star Kim Seon Ho! Running from now until December 14, 2024, the promo gives participants in the Philippines a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to South Korea. This collaboration blends Mr...
Disney+ is about to unleash The Tyrant, a heart-pounding chase thriller! We got a taste of the action with a killer poster featuring Ja-kyung (played by Jo Yoon Su), a steely-eyed techie tasked with stealing a super-soldier serum called the “Tyrant Program.” The poster hints at a crazy free-for-all as...
A deadly game of biowarfare is about to explode in The Tyrant, a brand new Korean series hitting Disney+ on August 14th. This high-stakes thriller throws us into a world where rogue Korean scientists cook up a super-virus, “The Tyrant Project,” aiming to make their nation a global powerhouse. But...
Netflix is whipping up a delightful rom-com called Can This Love Be Translated? and it’s looking like a must-watch for fans of cute meet-cutes and heartwarming stories. The plot revolves around Ju Ho-jin (played by the ever-charming Kim Seon Ho), a linguistic whiz who can translate between languages like it’s...
Ticking one of his dreams on his bucket list, Kim Seon Ho relayed his experiences on his recent trip to Thailand. The actor appeared as the first guest of the 2nd season of E Channel-SBS Plus co-produced entertainment show, Mukbo Bro 2 (Brothers Who Eat and Watch 2). The show...
Starring Jo Yoon Su, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seon Ho, and Kim Kang Woo, the eagerly awaited series makes its global debut in 2024! When a game-changing bioenhancer is stolen during a secret handover between Korean and US intelligence agencies, both governments will have to work together and race to...
PH Seonhohadas, prepare for a colorful and special summer date night with your favorite actor! UFC, the Filipinos’ favorite food brand from NutriAsia, is thrilled to announce an exclusive fan meet with the most versatile Korean drama superstar of today, Kim Seon Ho. This much-anticipated event is set for April...
The first batch of confirmed attendees was just announced by AAA 2023, and it’s definitely lit! Kim Seon Ho, Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Sejeong and Moon Ga Young are expected to attend the 2023 Asia Artist Awards in the Philippines on December 14 at the Philippine Arena. Presented by PULP...
Dangerously charming and unfazed, the duality of Kim Seon Ho in The Childe oozes in the latest teasers. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people...
Slated for a summer release, the thrilling chase and unpredictable story of The Childe unravels. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people with different goals...