Consider bringing ample patience when you invite yourself as a viewer of One Ordinary Day. Maneuvering to a set trajectory, the eight-episode run of the series explored the emotions of a defendant accused of a crime he did not commit. Relaying the perspectives of the prosecution pushing the crime on...
With Hyun-soo consistently picking disappointing choices in One Ordinary Day, it’s really a driving point to witness how he can win his case. Sustaining quite a challenging detention life, he meets good and bad people. His case also gets the attention of a prominent lawyer making his parents decide to...
Offering a fast-paced chilling story, Kingdom Season 2 made sure that its followers get what they signed up and waited for For viewers infected by the addicting story of Kingdom 2, the mind-blowing pursuit to quell the plague is undoubtedly gratifying. Ultimately, locking your heart to stock up more patience...