Forged with peerless characters, nonpareil narrative, and scenic cinematography, Mr. Sunshine bursts to an extraordinary story of love, friendship, and patriotism. Unrivaled as the best Korean drama conceived this year, Mr. Sunshine surges to a stunning work of art that refuses to downshift its intensity, week after week, leaving an...
Whether you like sci-fi stories or not, Space Sweepers can draw your attention with its evident merits. Vividly depicting in detail the crew of a cosmic waste management spacecraft who discover a humanlike robot, named Dorothy; Space Sweepers revolves to an innovative concept, that viewers would be able to empathize....
Deck your calendar alarm on February 5 and be on board Space Sweepers on its Netflix launch! Eagerly-awaited film Space Sweepers is ready to deliver an enthralling story. On February 02, Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Ri, Jin Seon Kyu, Yoo Hai Jin and Director Jo Sung Hee graced the...
Song Joong Ki, Kim Tae Ri, Jin Sun Kyu and Yu Hai Jin are taking viewers to a journey to outer space in their upcoming movie. Space Sweepers gave viewers a sneak peek to a grand cosmic adventure with the release of its official trailer. Netflix also add more excitement...
Space Sweepers readies its flight straight to our Netflix screen this February! On January 6, Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, confirmed the release date for its new film Space Sweepers as February 5th, 2020. Along with that, a new teaser of the film has also been revealed. Set...
By turns, it was a shower of healing narratives, amazing thrillers, and heart-fluttering romance stories in the selection of 2018 Korean Dramas. Hero-centric plot has been a constant fixture from the narratives which paraded this year. That has been expected given how combination of two popular actors have starred in...
Expect more Korean films on Netflix in the future! Since the release of Director Bong Joon-ho’s Netflix Film Okja in 2017, the relationship between Korea’s creative ecosystem and Netflix has been growing, and it is expected to grow further. In April, Time to Hunt, premiered worldwide only on Netflix and...
Kim Tae Ri tantalizes in stunning preview photos for December issue of Dazed magazine. The actress’ agency unveiled images of the actress attracting attention with soft and strong charms emanating from Kim Tae Ri. Set to appear in film Space Sweepers, which already confirmed its Netflix global release, she first...
Buckle up as Space Sweepers readies to mark a milestone with its futuristic concept fueled by a powerhouse cast on Netflix! Vividly depicting in detail the crew of a cosmic waste management spacecraft who discover a humanlike robot, named Dorothy; Space Sweepers revolves to an innovative concept, that viewers would...
Eagerly-awaited Space Sweepers readies to mark a milestone with its futuristic concept fueled by a powerhouse cast! The cast and production team of Space Sweepers expound on what to expect in the science fiction film. Director Cho Seung Hee together with its main cast attended the online movie presentation on...