Detective Kim Taekrok returns for an explosive second season that sees the veteran police officer uncover a criminal conspiracy that goes deeper than anyone can imagine in Shadow Detective Season 2. After a stunning first season that had fans theorizing around the clock about the identity of the “Friend”, Detective...
Sinking in the world of murders, Mouse investigates the relations between human genetics and crime. Humans become who they are at present through their genes and environment. Envisioning how a person born with unique genes would become, Mouse sets the stage for a thrilling detective adventure together with its healthy...
Infused with lessons about journalism, Hush breaks silence and speaks about the truth in pursuit of justice. With constant changes in the world, fake news and the manipulation of truth is ever so rampant. Hush hears the cries of injustice and advocates collective action to combat corruption on various levels. ...
The lead cast of the movie Holy Night: Demon Hunters has been confirmed! On June 28, the production team of Holy Night: Demon Hunter (WT) announced Ma Dong Seok, Seohyun, Lee David, Kyung Soo Jin, and Jung Ji So as the cast members. They also began their first filming day....
Surprising bends and accelerated thrills bedeck the journey towards the final destination of OCN’s Train! Finding a lull moment is almost impossible in this Yoon Shi Yoon starrer. From its intense opening week, Train kept its momentum surging while unfurling the cryptic serial killings in two parallel worlds. Train Episode Recaps: Premiere| 03...
The killer is finally revealed in the eight episode of OCN’s Train! The official chase to cuff the merciless murderer in two parallel worlds officially begins. And let’s pray Seo Do Won (Yoon Shi Yoon) has the mental and emotional fortitude to outwit the smart killer on his end game....
Two weeks to the final station of OCN’s Train, the thrilling intertwining lives of the characters in two parallel worlds heighten! After unearthing the connected killings in the two worlds, Seo Do Won (Yoon Shi Yoon) works with the police team in B World to capture the culprit. In A...
Firmly establishing its conflict from the get-go makes the steering of Train’s narrative efficient. Following the introduction of the characters in the two connected worlds, Train has been rapidly moving in disclosing details connecting the killings in both worlds. Anchored by the characters portrayed by Yoon Shi Yoon and Kyung...
Thank god, we have a smart hero who has been walking us through the labyrinthine narrative of OCN’s Train! Following the main hero’s unexpected stumbling of a new world similar and different at the same time to his world, Train leaps to revelations and deductions that are useful in converging details...
A pile of cryptic situations puts the hero of Train in an utter confusion! The world crumbles for Seo Do Won (Yoon Shi Yoon) in the third episode of OCN’s Train. In the aftermath of Seo Kyung’s (Kyung Soo Jin) death and the growing headaches, his emotions hinders him in...