Upcoming Netflix Series, Our Blues, is an ensemble drama set on scenic Jeju Island. Following the success of the 2018 drama, LIVE, writer Noh Hee-kyung and director Kim Kyu-tae collaborate with a new drama about three couples and their emotional and beautiful lives. Legendary writer Noh Hee Kyung presents her...
Featuring varying generations, Our Blues unveils the latest stills from its omnibus drama. Our Blues tells the story of all those who find themselves at the end, climax, or beginning of their lives. It is an omnibus drama that chronicles the lives of different characters against the backdrop of Jeju’s...
Assuming a role of a merchandise seller in Our Blues, Lee Byung Hun steers a truck loaded with items on the refreshing Jeju island. To be penned by acclaimed writer Noh Hee Kyung, the new tvN’s Saturday drama will be directed by Kim Gyu Tae. Our Blues is a work...
Set to premiere on April 9, tvN’s upcoming drama Our Blues radiates beaming smiles from the main cast. Featuring 14 lauded actors who will lead the special omnibus series, the main poster includes Lee Byung Hun, Cha Seung Won, Uhm Jung Hwa, Lee Jung Eun, and Han Ji Min, along...
tvN’s omnibus weekend drama, Our Blues, is all set to premiere on April 9! Giving a peek at one of the stories to be highlighted, the network unveils a quick video teaser. To be penned by acclaimed writer Noh Hee Kyung, the new tvN’s Saturday drama will be directed by...
March 1 celebrates Independence Movement Day in South Korea. In 1919, a crowd of people shouted for liberation, a movement against the Japanese military rule over Korea. An 18-year-old girl, Ryu Gwansun led the people to this historical nonviolent movement. Her passion along with the fearless voices of the freedom...
Star-studded tvN series, Our Blues, clinches its launch date on April 9! To be penned by acclaimed writer Noh Hee Kyung, the new tvN’s Saturday drama will be directed by Kim Gyu Tae. Our Blues is a work that chronicles the sweet and bitter lives of all who stand at...
If there is one cute necessity surplus that has not been neglected in this world, that would be having talented Korean actors. For the thriving K-Drama fan base, followers are blessed with a plethora of Korean drama actors gifting sweet and superb television series. Keeping career longevity for Korean actors...
Weekends call for me-time, couple-time or family time. Why not spend it with these amazing romance movie treats on iQIYI?! From classic to contemporary stories, consider your movie date night with these free iQIYI film delights to be done. *Click the movie poster to go to the movie viewing link...
Forged with peerless characters, nonpareil narrative, and scenic cinematography, Mr. Sunshine bursts to an extraordinary story of love, friendship, and patriotism. Unrivaled as the best Korean drama conceived this year, Mr. Sunshine surges to a stunning work of art that refuses to downshift its intensity, week after week, leaving an...