Releasing two couple posters, Moonshine boosts anticipation for the main love pairing’s chemistry. Moonshine is a romantic drama about a woman who makes alcoholic beverages and an upright inspector who goes after moonshiners during an era of strict alcohol prohibition. Giving viewers a remarkable synergy with the recently released stills, which...
A strong-willed and vivacious Lee Hyeri will greet drama fans in her latest series Moonshine. Sporting bright eyes and a courageous demeanor, being flustered in any given situation does not suit her. She also promises to bring laughter and energy to viewers. Moonshine is a romance story between a woman...
Posing under the theme ‘Portrait of a Lady’, the actress displays her feminine and elegant beauty while garbed in modern classic pieces. Lee Hyeri, who recently starred as Lee Dam on the tvN drama My Roommate is a Gumiho, has decorated the pages of Cosmopolitan Korea August 2021 issue with a...
Lee Hyeri ponders and shares her experiences on her performances in Reply 1988 and My Roommate Is A Gumiho Since Lee Hyeri steps into the world of acting, she has been receiving love and support from her fans. Before pursuing acting, the actress showed her talent in singing and dancing as a...
Tonight, we will be sending off the endearing fantasy rom-com My Roommate Is A Gumiho! The last episode of Lee Dam and Shin Woo-yeo’s story will be simulcast at 21:40 SGT in Korea and 191 countries worldwide. Will tears in the preview indicate a devastating end for Shin and Lee’s...
A beautiful silver lining for Dam and Woo-yeo’s love story is in store in the latest episodes of My Roommate Is A Gumiho. After their breakup, Dam is still looking for a way to understand Woo-yeo. When she finally understood everything, she is determined to fix everything for their relationship....
iQiyi original romance series My Roommate Is a Gumiho will broadcast the final episode next week! Viewers closely follow whether college student Lee Dam (played by Lee Hye-ri) and 999-year-old gumiho (nine-tailed fox) Shin Woo-yeo (played by Jang Ki-yong) will return to love. The two broke up last week due...
Dam is willing to bear any challenges for her love for Woo-yeo. Even if it’s against her future and true destiny in episodes 11 and 12 of My Roommate Is A Gumiho. Learning about the possible danger and her true destiny, Dam still faces these challenges for the sake of...
Officially in a relationship, Dam and Woo-yeo swerve to the usual “honeymoon stage” of a new romance in the 9th and 10th episodes of My Roommate is a Gumiho. Out of worry for his lady love, Shin Woo-yeo has to stay away from Dam after their first date since his...
Endearing the viewers with its vibrant story each week, My Roommate is a Gumiho is a fantasy-romance treat not to be missed! International streaming app and site iQiyi gives a fresh and unique twist on the mythical nine-tailed fox, Bringing together a multi-talented cast of actors and K-drama hitmakers, the...