Featuring down-to-earth superheroes set to transform the genre, Cashero is all set to make its sweeping presence! Netflix greenlights Cashero, a series that redefines the superhero genre with a realistic twist. This series, inspired by the widely acclaimed webtoon of the same name, chronicles the life of Kang Sang-woong, an...
It’s a feast of Korean heartthrobs at AAA 2023! Presented by PULP Live World, StarNews, and TONZ Entertainment, for its 8th year, AAA shall be held in the hottest country in Southeast Asia that boasts its loudest, warmest, and most significant fan base in K-culture, the Philippines. Considered Asia’s Oscars...
Attuned to its initial promise, King The Land presented trademark Korean rom-com elements in its opening week! JTBC’s new series is on its way to please K-Drama fans specifically craving for romance and friendship based on the initial serving of King The Land. abbyinhallyuland watches King The Land on Netflix...
Before the highly-anticipated premiere of King The Land, the lead pairing and director grace their presence at the recent press conference. King The Land is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling because of her job. Writer Chun...
Lee Jun Ho and Im Yoon Ah share the reasons for picking King The Land as well as their preparations and points to watch in the drama. King The Land is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling...
Dropping enticing teasers ahead of its premiere, King The Land presents more details about the love pairing to look forward to in the story. King The Land is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling because of her...
Three new Korean dramas are going to launch on Netflix next month! Romance and thrilling stories are featured in June 2023 K-Dramas on Netflix! In case you missed it, Doctor Cha and The Good Bad Mother are currently streaming on the platform offering superb career, relationship and life lessons. Bloodhounds...
A sweet visual chemistry emanates from Lee Jun Ho and Im Yoon Ah in the latest posters of King The Land. King The Land is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling because of her job. Writer Chun...
More interesting details on the lead pairing of King The Land are unveiled! King The Land is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling because of her job. Writer Chun Sung Il of the global phenomenon drama series,...
Lee Jun Ho in character as Gu Won of King The Land piques interest! King The Land is billed as a romantic comedy about a man who despises laughter and a woman who needs to keep smiling because of her job. Writer Chun Sung Il of the global phenomenon drama...