Continuously proving its global prominence Netflix series Squid Game makes another impressive feat. The hit series secures four nominations in four categories at the 28th Screen Actor Guild Awards. Lee Jung Jae and Jung Ho Yeon are both nominated for Best Actor and Best Actress respectively. Additionally, the series is...
Undoubtedly one of the runaway K-Drama hits this season, Squid Game has been generating a well-deserved immense following. Thus, it is no question for its sequel possibility to be raised. After all, the waning scenes of the series suggest the same. Director Hwang Dong Hyuk finally made the production of...
Squid Game‘s Lee Jung Jae received love and support from fans after gaining 1.5 million followers on Instagram in just two days. Netflix’s Squid Game heightens continuous interest. It is the first Netflix show to become the number one watch in 83 countries at the same time. Furthermore, the actors that portrayed...
Anticipating a strong role, Lee Jung Jae hoped for something different after accepting Gi-hun in Squid Game. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, tells the story of participants in a cryptic survival game. Players, including Gi-hun, risk their lives to vie for the price of 45.6 billion dollars. Following the...
Squid Game director expresses his gratitude for the success of the series and carefully discusses his season 2 plans. Netflix’s original series, Squid Game, follows participants in a cryptic survival game with a prize of 45.6 billion dollars. Players are also willing to stake their lives to be the lone...
Netflix’s Squid Game has been achieving amazing feats because of its enticing and gripping plot. The series is said to be the first Korean series in sealing a spot in the Top 10 of the streaming giant in more than 40 countries globally. The success of the series gave a favorable...
The Squid Game craze is real – and definitely for a worthy reason! Breaking records, this year’s unprecedented K-series dark horse has been getting the raves it deserves. In case you aren’t on board yet, make time for this spectacular watch. Squid Game tells the story of people who participated...
Suffused with riveting thrill and reality-biting moments, Squid Game splendidly strikes an engrossing story full of heart. A man’s nature, when faced with nagging problems, extends to several viable options. However, when trapped with no other choices, he settles for the easiest route possible. Squid Game captures this very essence...
Just like that, we’re all set to witness the exciting series, Squid Game today! Squid Game is launching today, and we could not be more excited! The series follows a suspenseful story of hundreds of cash-strapped individuals participating in mysterious children’s games. Accepting strange invitations in hopes of winning the...
A story conceived over a decade ago, the highly-anticipated Netflix series Squid Game officially begins on September 17. Ahead of the global launch, the cast and director conveyed stories about Squid Game at the press conference hosted by Netflix. Director Hwang Dong Hyuk together with lead stars Lee Jung Jae,...