In KBS2TV’s Face Me, which concluded on the 12th, actor Lee Min Ki left an indelible mark with his portrayal of Cha Jung-woo, a brilliant plastic surgeon renowned for his precise anatomical knowledge. With every episode, Lee’s commanding performance drew viewers deeper into the drama’s mysterious narrative. From the outset,...
Get to know more about the main characters in upcoming KBS series, Face Me. Face Me is an upcoming medical drama premiering in November, centered on a skilled plastic surgeon and a passionate detective from the violent crimes unit who work together to uncover the truth behind crimes using reconstructive surgery....
The main leads of the new KBS series are looking good in their transformations for upcoming roles! Face Me is an upcoming medical drama premiering in November, centered on a skilled plastic surgeon and a passionate detective from the violent crimes unit who work together to uncover the truth behind crimes...
KBS2’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, Face Me, has officially kicked off, drawing attention with its unique and unprecedented blend of medical drama and crime thriller. Directed by Jo Rok-hwan and written by Hwang Ye-jin, the show revolves around a collaborative pursuit of justice, in which a coldly rational plastic surgeon and...
Lee Min Ki and Han Ji Hyun are set to bring their talents together in the upcoming KBS drama, Face Me. This intriguing series will delve into the world of medicine and crime, exploring themes of healing, redemption, and the complexities of human relationships. Lee Yi Kyung and Jeon Bae...
Season 2 of Crash is officially on the way, ready to hit the road again in hot pursuit of villains. Global content studio Astory confirmed the production of the second season of Crash, the drama that first premiered on May 13th and broke new ground as Korea’s first series centered...
A page from the hero’s past opens the big picture to be tackled by Team TCI in Crash! This week, they solve tangled cases of car theft and serial sexual assault. abbyinhallyuland watches Crashon Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | Crash Episodes 5 and 6...
Team TCI is shaping up to be a strong team with Yeon-ho joining them in the 2nd week of Crash. This week, the team continues to catch bad people causing road accidents. Their hit-and-run case also appears to be a bigger concern. abbyinhallyuland watches Crashon Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01 &...
A less known police investigation unit probes into traffic-related crimes that seemingly appears simple. ENA’s new series, Crash, presents meticulously done crimes discovered from traffic accidents which branch out to other crimes such as fraud and organizational corruption. abbyinhallyuland watches Crashon Disney+ Opening Week Rating: Opening Week Highlights Often...
Defining chic geek, the hero of ENA’s new Monday-Tuesday series, Lee Min Ki, is fashioned to snipe viewers’ hearts! When a sub-unit within the police force is shunned by everyone and reports to no one, the team needs to work tirelessly to prove their superiority and save the day in...