Netflix is whipping up a delightful rom-com called Can This Love Be Translated? and it’s looking like a must-watch for fans of cute meet-cutes and heartwarming stories. The plot revolves around Ju Ho-jin (played by the ever-charming Kim Seon Ho), a linguistic whiz who can translate between languages like it’s...
Artificial City proved that giving up one’s value for wealth and power is not a viable strategy to attain peace. Throughout the series, it is expected to receive showers of frustration as the protagonist squanders her efforts and even ruins her self-worth. Unfortunately, the finale does not make up for all...
Making their small-screen return, Soo Ae and Kim Kang Woo decorate eagerly-awaited series, Artificial City! Highlighting the story of things that lose their value when greed and power come into play, the series will run for 20-episodes and will be simulcast within 24 hours from Korea on K-PLUS channel. “Artificial...
Slated for December 8 premiere, JTBC’s new drama, Artificial City, has unfurled the characters to meet in the series. Artificial City is a unique mystery thriller drama about a woman’s desire to rise to the highest position in Korea against a powerful chaebol family who runs Sungjin Group, a conglomerate...
Duke City has finished filming and is readying for its premiere in the second half of the year. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, JTBC has been so far enticing drama fans with a slew of Korean dramas to watch out for! Its newest actors to tap are Soo Ae and Kim...