Standing as Min-kyu’s lawyer, Jung-ho devices an ingenious plan for his client’s bullies in the 7th episode of The Law Cafe. Despite being hesitant in siding with Eun-gang, Jung-ho decides to represent Min-kyu as his attorney. Backed by a powerful father, Ji-hoon fearlessly does the unthinkable to Jung-ho after feeling...
Reminded of his sister who was bullied in the past, barista Eun-gang empathizes with a juvenile client in The Law Cafe. After being angered by President Lee’s recent visit, Yu-ri takes a break from the cafe. Jung-ho takes over, and handles a case of an underaged client being bullied. Awakening...
Handing a case of a lady accused of physical assault, Yu-ri reflects on her actions towards Jung-ho in The Law Cafe. Because of a broken system, Yu-ri realizes her shortcoming in blaming everything on a worker for the children’s welfare. For the cafe’s new case, Yu-ri encourages a lady charged...
Realizing that what she saw wasn’t a ghost, Yu-ri discovers a case of maltreatment in The Law Cafe. Business resumes for Yu-ri’s cafe after Nurungi the dog was found dead inside. Talking with the complained stalker, Yu-ri learns the truth about the little girl she mistook for a ghost. Completing...
Offering a creative solution for the residents of Pureun Apartment, Jung-ho leads a noise complaint concert in The Law Cafe. Gathering residents to persuade them to go against Dohan Construction, Yu-ri snaps at Jung-ho for dissuading the residents with the loopholes and low compensation of the lawsuit. Jung-ho, who initially...
Serving coffee and legal advice with empathy, The Law Cafe brews a refreshing direction outside the courtroom. Accepting clients in a comfortable setting such as a cafe, characters in the drama paint themselves as passionate practitioners of law. While it exudes freshness and autonomy, The Law Cafe also points out...