Fantasy-action series Twelve has electrified fans with a spectacular lineup, bringing together renowned talent to embark on a monumental battle rooted in the Eastern zodiac’s lore. Twelve delves into a vast universe where 12 angels, each embodying a zodiac sign, disguise themselves among humans, quietly safeguarding the world from sinister...
Badland Hunters emerges as a cinematic spectacle, showcasing a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a cataclysmic earthquake. This action-packed thriller, set in a dystopian landscape where chaos reigns supreme, promises to captivate audiences with its visual effects and fast-paced narrative. Central to this high-octane adventure is the acclaimed Korean action star,...
Big names, thrilling action, and spectacular scenes are expected to color Badland Hunters! Netflix has greenlit the production of the upcoming blockbuster Badland Hunters featuring Don Lee, the iconic figure celebrated for his roles in monumental titles such as Train to Busan, The Roundup, and Marvel’s Eternals. The story unfolds...
Recognizing the pioneering figures who lead trends in the Korean entertainment industry, CJ ENM announced the winners of the 2023 Visionary. Since 2020, CJ ENM has been selecting and awarding people who have presented a new vision for the cultural industry based on their own originality throughout the entertainment industry....
The lead cast of the movie Holy Night: Demon Hunters has been confirmed! On June 28, the production team of Holy Night: Demon Hunter (WT) announced Ma Dong Seok, Seohyun, Lee David, Kyung Soo Jin, and Jung Ji So as the cast members. They also began their first filming day....
Squad 38 is a savvy crime drama that fascinates! With the number of romance dramas brandishing in K-Dramaland 2016, a story maneuvered by a con artist and his snappy team helping out an employee of the city’s Taxation office in retrieving unpaid revenues from greedy rich people surprisingly caught and...