In what came as quite a surprise to viewers of The Mysterious Class, the ghost in class 4 has already been revealed, despite the fact that there were still five episodes to go. Meanwhile, the show makes unexpected turns as another student pretends to be the ghost in order to...
A possible culprit comes to light following a series of mysterious circumstances, and one of the members of the classroom is forced to explain themselves or risk being regarded as the classroom ghost. The Mysterious Class keeps a steady pace forward as further mysteries continue surrounding a muttered curse, a...
An engrossing high school mystery dawns as the twenty-one members of a class must find out which doesn’t belong and is in fact actually a ghost hiding among them. The members of the popular YG boy group TREASURE open up their second web drama with a bang as mysteries surround...
A teaser trailer for YG Entertainment’s new TREASURE web drama The Mysterious Class dropped at 10:00 p.m. KST on Friday, one week ahead of the drama’s first episode officially premiering. The trailer starts featuring Hyunsuk and Yedam chanting the spell “Shin Shin-Saba”, and asking “If you are here now, please...
YG Entertainment today released the first set of individual teaser photos for The Mysterious Class featuring members of TREASURE. The group’s newest drama is a ghost-themed mystery, and comes after Treasure’s fandom lobbied for another drama after the release of It’s Okay, That’s Friendship back in March. The cast...