Briefly taking the viewers inside the courtroom, Military Prosecutor Doberman elevates excitement for the upcoming drama premiering on February 28. Military Prosecutor Doberman narrates the careers of two military prosecutors, one for money and the other for revenge. To enhance the genre’s appeal, the series incorporates both dramatic courtroom suspense...
Studio Dragon has revealed a number of titles that viewers can look forward to in its 2022 K-Drama lineup! On December 28, Ghost Doctor will premiere as the first drama next year. Ghost Doctor is a heartwarming story about a ghost doctor who is unwilling to leave the hospital or his...
Prepare for round-the-clock K-Entertainment in refashioned tvN channel on Smart GigaPlay! Indeed, it’s a joyous celebration for fans of Korean Entertainment in the Philippines. tvN channel will be restyled to provide more and faster Korean dramas, variety programs and movies starting December 15! To launch this revamped tvN Premium channel, CJ...
Ahn Bo Hyun, Jo Bo Ah, Oh Yeon Soo, Kim Young Min, and Kim Woo Suk are set to star in the upcoming courtroom drama about military prosecutors. Directed by Jin Chang Gyu and written by Yoon Hyun Ho, 군검사 도베르만 Military Prosecutor Doberman (LT) narrates the story of two...