Ahead of its premiere on December 21, The Interest of Love production team revealed the three important points to look forward to in the drama. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Billed as a melodrama, it follows realistic...
Yoo Yeon Seok, Moon Ga Young, Geum Sae Rok, and Jung Ga Ram are set to convey a special perspective to understand ‘love’ that everyone has experienced at least once in JTBC’s new midweek series, The Interest of Love. To be broadcast for the first time on December 21, The...
Warmly gazing at each other in the new poster released, Yoo Yeon Seok and Moon Ga Young are set to discover romance in the melodrama, The Interest of Love. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Portrayed as a...
Yoo Yeon Seok, Moon Ga Young, Geum Sae Rok, and Jung Ga Ram find their meaning to love in The Interest of Love. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Portrayed as a melodrama, it follows realistic romantic narratives...
JTBC unveils Geum Sae Rok and Jung Ga Ram’s character transformation in The Interest of Love. JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, The Interest of Love is written by Lee Seo Hyun and Lee Hyun Jung and directed by Cho Young Min. It stars Yoon Yeon Seok (Hospital Playlist), Moon Ga Young (True...
Showing a glimpse of her role in The Interest of Love, Moon Ga Young suits up as a woman pessimist about love. Together with Yoo Yeon Seok, Geum Sae Rok, and Jung Ga Ram, the actress is set to banner the upcoming JTBC drama. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories...
JTBC releases sneak peeks for the upcoming drama The Interest of Love. JTBC reveals the teaser video and poster for their new melodrama The Interest of Love directed by Jo Young Min starring Yoo Yeon Seok (Hospital Playlist, Dr. Romantic), Moon Ga Young (True Beauty, Find Me in Your Memory), Geum...
JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama seeks to explore romance from varying perspectives of its lead characters. Billed as a melodrama, Understanding Love navigates stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. It follows realistic romantic narratives among men and women with varying beliefs on how love is...
Link: Eat, Love, Kill served a narrative with various genres that proved that facing our fears and fixing our regrets is the only way to face tomorrow with no bottled-up emotions. Link: Eat, Love, Kill introduces a refreshing take on murder and thriller narratives. It highlights Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s tragic...
Danger continues to follow Da-hyun in Link: Eat, Love, Kill episode 15. Nevertheless, her link with Gye-hoon saved her from peril. Ending their relationship in the recent episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill, fate brings back Da-hyun and Gye-hoon together. Furthermore, Da-hyun finally fulfills her promise to Gye-young 18 years ago. sun_drae watched Link:...