Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young and Kwon Yul showcase their perfect synergy in the first table read of the upcoming KBS drama Dali and Cocky Prince! Slated for September premiere, the romantic-comedy series follows the romance between the daughter of a prestigious family who wants to save a ruined...
The dystopian and twisted trial begins in the opening week of The Devil Judge. The Devil Judge threads on a fictional dystopian world wherein justice are served through a live courtroom show and the whole nation is involved. This satire and action-filled drama will mind-twist the viewers. It took the...
The Devil Judge showcases the courage, fearlessness, and love of Park Gyu Young as Yoon Soo Hyun. tvN’s new Saturday-Sunday legal drama released photo stills of the charismatic Park Gyu Young. The Devil Judge narrates the story of a chaotic and unjust society in Korea. The collapsing city will achieve peace...
Aiming to broadcast in the second half of the year, Kim Min Jae and Park Gyu Young begin filming this month for their latest project. KBS2’s new midweek drama 달리와 감자탕 Dal Ri and Gamjatang (LT) stars two of the most popular actors of their generation. Dal Ri and Gamjatang...
Why Ji Sung’s new character is labeled as “devil judge” is the drawing point of tvN’s latest series. Together with Kim Min Jung, Park Jinyoung, and Park Gyu Young; Ji Sung will be featured in a drama showcasing a live courtroom show in which the entire nation becomes a jury....
Expressing her driven attitude, rising actress Park Gyu Young inspires with her career outlook. Recently, she starred in widely-lauded series, It’s Okay To Not Be Okay, her performance likely aligns to her current state of mind as she left a striking impression to the audience.. She is set to decorate...