SBS new series is gearing up to become the next big youth romance sensation featuring a story of passion, music, and self-discovery. Spring of Youth (LT) is a coming-of-age drama follows Sa-gye, a K-pop superstar unexpectedly thrust into the chaos of college life after a career-altering incident. Think the infectious...
All set to open in Philippine Cinemas on September 20, Concrete Utopia unveils a character trailer giving more details to the story. Directed by Um Tae-hwa, Concrete Utopia is loosely based on Part 2 of the hit webtoon “Joyful Outcast” (“Pleasant Neighbors”) and stars an ensemble of A-list Korean actors...
In Concrete Utopia, the world has been reduced to rubble by a massive earthquake. Concrete Utopia, a thrilling disaster film starring an ensemble of A-list Korean actors including Lee Byung Hun, Park Seo Jun, Park Bo Young, Park Ji Hu, Kim Do Yoon and Kim Sun Young, will be released...
Reflections on poverty, power-tripping and the threshold of how much love to give to your family summarize the gripping narrative of Little Women. Packed with memorable portrayals, the series traverses a narrative that is equal parts entertaining and exciting. Main Characters: Kim Go Eun | Nam Ji Hyun | Park...
If Little Women is a betting game, raising a wager would be hard because of the story’s uncanny ability to throw curveballs! The approaching mayoral election made the Oh sisters and the opposing camp busy throwing attacks and counterattacks. Hyping the tension, are shocking turn of events that ultimately leads...
Interestingly, the shocking scenarios and crazy characters in Little Women are really making our weekends so alive! Flowing to a predictable narrative, the temperamental characters heighten the excitement of the story. The ludicrous trajectory is made more enthralling by how offbeat thinking the heroes and the villains are in this...
Oh sisters are pushed to wage what they can against the rich and powerful in the 7th and 8th episodes of Little Women. Seeing the true colors of Park Jae-sang and Won Sang-ah; In-hye worries about Hyo-rin. Choi Do-il’s family is also introduced in the story. In-joo and Do-il go...
Unfazed with the wealth and might of Park Jae-sang; In-kyung persistently probes into the anomaly of the aspiring Seoul mayor in the 6th episode of Little Women. Amidst her chaotic situation, In-joo goes through a whole lot of mediation to keep her goal with Do-il working while keeping her sisters...
Trust among the characters in Little Women spurs the enthralling guessing game of who will emerge victorious. By twisting the initial impressions of the characters and the narrative, the 5th episode of Little Women is eager to take viewers to various theories and emotions. The revelations are as confusing as...
A quarter selfless, a quarter self-righteous, a quarter self-doubting – Oh sisters had made us all invested in their lives just in the 4th episode of Little Women. Just when In-joo finds an opportunity to spend the big money she recently acquired, it flies away in the blink of an...