Prepare to be captivated by the gripping tale of Uprising, which premieres on October 11, exclusively on Netflix. Uprising sets the stage for a captivating tale amidst the turmoil of war, focusing on the complex dynamics between two childhood friends who become adversaries. The film is set to premiere on...
Directed by Kim Sang-man and produced by the renowned Park Chan-wook, Uprising promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative set against the turbulence of war. Uprising centers on the complex relationship between two childhood friends, Cheon-yeong and Jong-ryeo, who, despite their deep bond, are separated by their differing social statuses—Cheon-yeong is...
Coupang Play’s upcoming series, Newtopia, is set to be a thrilling and unconventional blend of genres. The series will follow the story of Lee Jae-yoon, a timid soldier played by the critically acclaimed Park Jung Min, and Kang Yeong-ju, a free-spirited woman who was once an engineering department goddess, portrayed...
Director Ryu Seung-wan, who is set to release Veteran 2 in the latter half of the year, has finalized the casting for his next film Humint and is commencing full-scale production. Humint is an espionage action film that centers on North and South Korean secret agents clashing while investigating crimes...
“Do you really want something fun?” This question opens the zany teaser trailer for The 8 Show, a thrilling new Netflix series that follows eight individuals trapped in a mysterious 8-story building, participating in a high-stakes show where the prize money goes up the longer they stay. Already attracting attention...
Netflix’s The 8 Show is confirmed to be released on May 17th. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens while participating in a sweet...
Renowned filmmaker Director Han Jae-rim’s first series, The 8 Show will be released on Netflix next year. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens...
An all-star cast meets an iconic filmmaker in War and Revolt! Set against the chaos of war, the highly anticipated War and Revolt (WT) takes viewers on a gripping journey through the lives of two childhood friends turned adversaries. Starring Kang Dong Won as the formidable Cheon-young and Park Jung...
Serving a thrilling, action-crime drama, Deliver Us From Evil is a movie that makes viewers hold their breath and be at the edge of their seats while watching! Deliver Us From Evil is a 2020 Korean film directed and written by Director Hong Wonchan. The movie chronicles the story of...
From the fear of death to the fear of life, Hellbound instills “fear” with uncanny horrifying creatures and fanatical religious groups that test one’s belief. Climbing up to Netflix’s Global Top 10 list, Hellbound continues to heighten curiosity with its compelling, deep, and forboding narrative. Main Cast: Yoo Ah In | Kim Hyun...