The lead stars of Doctor Slump are featured in the latest teaser highlighting their school days’ back story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
JTBC’s new romantic comedy, Doctor Slump, also confirms Yoon Park and Kong Seong Ha as the main leads. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
Park Shin Hye and Kim Rae Won decorated a love story of a fateful encounter in the SBS drama, Doctors. Profoundly sweet and inspiring, Doctors inspires that growth requires time and effort. Penned by screenwriter Ha Myung Hee and directed by Oh Choong Hwan, Doctors is a light medical romance drama. It generally...
For K-Drama fans, yearning for extensions on well-loved Korean romance series featuring well-loved K-Drama couples is normal. We pass through stages of K-Drama-send-off-grief before we achieve closure. From creating our own alternate ending reveries to hunting behind-the-scenes videos; it is undoubtedly a struggle, but something that comes naturally when immersing...
Vividly conveying their earnest happiness, the bride and groom embrace their new wonderful chapter in the disclosed wedding photos. In the recently released photo by the agency, Studio Santa Claus, Choi Tae Joon appears endearingly happy as he smiles from ear to ear. With his warmest eyes fixed straight ahead,...
As we wind down to the 2021 K-Drama season, it’s automatic to look back on notable characters we met this year. That being said, let’s start with the remarkable female leads that decorated K-Dramaland this year. From ingeniously conceived to reality-based stories, we marked our girl crushes while getting hefty...
This year, a few notable Korean dramas exploring idols, actors and all-things Hallyu, have engaged K-Drama followers. Looking back, this K-Drama season highlighted a recurring theme about Korean entertainment scene. Understandably a not so ventured story in the early years of Korean wave expansion. While there are old dramas that...
It’s happy news for the actors who have been dating for almost five years! Since confirming their relationship status in 2017, Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon had carried on with their respective careers while keeping their love lowkey yet strong. The two started out their careers as promising...
Be swept away by the charming youth drama, Heartstrings. K-drama fans, who wished for an alternate ending with Jung Yong Hwa’s second lead syndrome in classic SBS rom-com You’re Beautiful, got what they yearned for when MBC paired up CNBLUE’s frontman to then rising hottest actress Park Shin Hye in Heartstrings....
Consider you’re forewarned, Sisyphus The Myth felt like the best part of a romantic relationship especially those times when you can’t get enough of each other. But the good times do not equate to a happy-ever-after. It has been an exciting 16-episode run joining the cast in their virtual time...