The hero of Death’s Game is seen struggling to free himself from a cryptic figure seemingly in control of his life. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam. In Death’s Game, Seo In Guk portrays Choi...
TVING’s original series Death’s Game pitched an interesting premise. Death’s Game traverses the life transition drama of Choi Yi-jae, who confronts 12 lives and deaths, right before going to hell. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam....
The steady slow-burn nature of Record Of Youth indeed makes viewers expectant, yet also gives a soothing vibe. Each episode of the series will take its viewers on an emotional roller-coaster ride that would make them laugh, cry and keep them at the edge of their seats as they witness...
This year, a few notable Korean dramas exploring idols, actors and all-things Hallyu, have engaged K-Drama followers. Looking back, this K-Drama season highlighted a recurring theme about Korean entertainment scene. Understandably a not so ventured story in the early years of Korean wave expansion. While there are old dramas that...
For the next episode of Gamsung Camping, actress Lee Min Jung will be the guest and she’ll bring interesting treats especially for her fans. Scheduled to be broadcast on November 20, Lee Min Jung will reveal her love story with Lee Byung Hun and her chef-class cooking skills. Gamsung Camping...
Park Seo Jun will make his appearance in Episode 9 of Record of Youth! Record of Youth is continuing to impress with its exciting lineup of star cameos. From Kim Hye Yoon to Seo Hyun Jin and more, each cameo has been a fun delight. And now, we’ll be seeing...
Capturing the emotions of facing life’s crossroad, Record of Youth is unapologetic in presenting an unbridled perspective of confronting what it means to build a future with personal dreams in it. Record of Youth ripples a nagging message to its target audience. The new tvN series poured its message right...
With Park Bo Gum slated to enter the military camp this month end, he will gift fans with Record of Youth – a series that will inspire us to dream. Together with Park So Dam and Byeon Woo Seok, Record of Youth scheduled its premiere on tvN and Netflix starting...
Eagerly-awaited Korean drama, Record of Youth, decks official launch date on Netflix! Park Bo Gum, Park So Dam and Byun Woo Seok are all set to meet fans all over the world through their newest project, Record of Youth. Netflix has confirmed its exclusive premiere on September 7. The new...
tvN just dropped a quick video teaser on its eagerly-awaited series, Record of Youth – and the upbeat vibe is engrossing! Record of Youth threads on the stories of youth who strive to achieve their dreams and claim love sparing no effort against the restrictions of realities. It particularly touches...