Joining them in the lead cast are Lee Shin Young and Park Ye Young. Sejak, The Fascinated (작, 매혹된 자들), is scheduled to be broadcast in January 2024. The series chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who holds a high position but has a lowly heart, and Kang...
Despite being in Angok for not more than a year, Yeo Reum goes the extra mile to help the people she cares about the most in the recent episodes of Summer Strike. Our kindhearted heroine seems no longer alone in life. Though there may be problems that arise, the good thing...
Becoming Anna – sought-after actress Bae Suzy courageously takes on the challenge of being a woman whose life is a lie. Bae Suzy, known for her dramas While You Were Sleeping, Vagabond, and Start-Up, takes a new path as the lead actress in the Coupang Play series Anna. Based on...
Masking contradicting personalities of her role, Jung Eun Chae adds mystery and notable acting skills in Anna. Premiering on June 24, Coupang Play’s Anna features another award-winning actress as part of its cast lineup. Known for her portrayal in Nobody’s Daughter Hae Won, Jung Eun Chae bagged many Best New...
Putting forward Bae Suzy as the focal character in its new series, Coupang Play dropped an enticing preview hyping viewers for upcoming release of Anna. Following the teaser poster, the trailer for Anna was also unveiled with Suzy’s gentle narration of how “people also write lies in their diaries that...
Joining the talented actress are Jung Eun Chae, Kim Joon Han and Park Ye Young. Directed by Lee Joo Young, Anna is a thriller drama about a woman named “Anna” who has ‘Ripley Syndrome.’ This disorder is considered a type of antisocial personality, wherein an individual has a hard time communicating with...