Professors and students of Police University gather together to help Detective Yoo Dong Man with the investigation and to change his mind to teach again. After Detective Yoo resigned from Police University, Kang Sun Ho’s “investigation unit” was eager to find him. Furthermore, Professor Choi and Kwon join the team to help Detective Yoo...
Driven by romance, family, and friendship, Detective Yoo Dong Man, Kang Sun Ho, and Oh Kang Hee are determined to serve true justice in Police University. Even with Park Cheol Jin’s testimonies and evidence, the culprit behind the case bribes police officers to hide the truth. Scared to see someone in...
To clear the name of Professor Yoo Dong Man, Kang Sun Ho leads unlocking the clues hidden inside the Police University. As Detective Yoo collects pieces of information that point to corruption in the Police University, someone daunts him from unraveling their secrets. Kang Sun Ho then reaches out to...