The Last Princess tops its historical narrative with a promising dramatic performance from its stellar cast. A brief introduction about Princess Deok-hye and a disclaimer are shown at the beginning of the film. Kim Jang-han (Park Hae Il) at present enters his office, and he is informed about Prince Yeong’s...
Ra Mi Ran, Kim Mu Yeol, and Yoon Kyung Ho reunite for the comical and legal film Honest Candidate 2! Coming soon, the Honest Candidate 2 comes back to serve us more entertainment. Actors Ra Mi Ran, Kim Mu Yeol, and Yoon Gyung Ho showcase their powerful acting again for the sequel....
There’s more to the friendship and travel moments captured in recent episodes of House On Wheels. Admittedly, House On Wheels share the same trust and tested elements of typical Korean travel variety show. But given the worldwide situation of being house bound for most people, it is such a refreshing...