A charming treat for a campus youth drama, Rookie Cops knows how to appreciate friendship while learning valuable life experiences. Knowing the right time to energize the story, the series is such a breezy watch. Despite the faint drawbacks, it has made sure to avoid run-the-mill problems typical of school-set...
It’s the sweet and calm before the storm in the latest episodes of Rookie Cops! Reaching the middle mark of the series, we saw a new addition to the friendship circle of our favorite KNPU newbies. Romance and jealousy also made the 4th week of Rookie Cops such an endearing...
Wi Seung-hyun begins seeing Eun-kang in a romantic light and he adorably takes time to process it in the latest episodes of Rookie Cops! On the downside, he also gets entangled with Tak to a forbidden act for KNPU students. abbyinhallyuland watches Rookie Cops on Disney+ Episode Recaps: Premiere Week...
Making a significant move to change a traditional training approach, Eun-kang and Seung-hyun join forces in the latest episodes of Rookie Cops. Truly beginning their campus life as future police officers, friendships are forged at Korea National Police University. Meaningful peeks to the backstories of the main characters were also...