Taiwanese series Living (有生之年) is set to release on iQIYI on September 17 worldwide. As we inch closer to the date of release, more and more character stories have also been revealed. In the latest set of teasers released, the audience was in for a treat and many promised to...
Taiwanese TV drama queen and award-winning producer Ruby Lin (林心如), known for her many roles in timeless classics such as My Fair Princess, returns with a new Taiwanese drama production Living (有生之年), which is set to air on iQIYI on September 17. The original series stars a team of renowned...
Fans worldwide can follow Vic Chou’s search for the perpetrator in the continuation of the Douban-acclaimed series slated to launch on October 15! Additionally, Danger Zone Chapter II: The Silver Lining reveals Tseng Jing Hua delivering his career’s most vicious and bloodthirsty performance yet. Danger Zone, iQiyi’s first original prison-themed Chinese-language...
Danger Zone piques interest with a sophisticated performance from Vic Chou and brotherly love between Christopher Lee and Berant Zhu! Featuring groundbreaking crime scenes and exploring taboo subjects, the million-dollar action series Danger Zone continues Chinese-language series popularity after The Ferryman: Legends of Nanyang. iQiyi, the leading Asian streaming service,...
Aiming for an imaginative and riveting concept, Danger Zone readies mind-bending plot elements when it starts streaming globally on iQiyi International beginning September 3. iQiyi’s first prison-themed Chinese language series Danger Zone, stars Vic Chou, Sandrine Pinna, Wu Hsing-kuo, Christopher Lee, Berant Zhu, Tseng Chin-hua, and Teresa Daley. The first...