Set in the Joseon dynasty, Secret Royal Inspector Joy foreshadows magnificent characters and an eloquent story at its premiere! Ok Taecyeon and Kim Hye Yoon have set the series on a promising start by conveying their cheerful and amusing scenes, which piques the viewers’ interest in the drama’s narrative. Opening...
Ok Taecyeon, Kim Hye Yoon, Min Jin Woong, and Park Kang Sub are all ready to serve justice while making the audience laugh when Secret Royal Inspector Joy begins in November. Set in the Joseon dynasty, Secret Royal Inspector Joy is a comedic, historical period drama that centers around an intelligent...
Ok Taecyeon and Kim Hye Yoon execute an incredible tandem that will surprise Joseon when Secret Royal Inspector Joy premieres. tvN’s 15th-anniversary Monday-Tuesday drama, Secret Royal Inspector Joy, has published its third teaser video. Eliciting laughter in the untimely battle for the map. Secret Royal Inspector Joy chronicles the hilarious investigation...
Life takes an unexpected route to Ok Taecyeon’s character in his latest drama, Secret Royal Inspector Joy. Secret Royal Inspector Joy tells the comic investigation of a young and rich gourmet who unwittingly becomes a secret royal inspector. He teams up with an unhappy wife seeking a divorce on missions. At...
Ok Taecyeon and Kim Hye Yoon are set for a nationwide investigation that will shake Joseon! Together with its lead pair, the ensemble cast was officially introduced in the revealed main poster of Secret Royal Inspector Joy. tvN’s 15th anniversary special Monday-Tuesday drama slated for November 8 unveiled Min Jin...