Updating eagerly-awaiting viewers, Disney Plus releases character stills of the main leads of Grid. First unveiled at the Disney+ APAC content showcase, Grid is billed as a mystery chase thriller between a bureaucrat and a detective who uncovers the truth about a cryptic system that can save mankind from an...
At the Disney Plus APAC showcase, Seo Kang Joon shared his thoughts about participating in the new series, Grid. Disney Plus will be launching in Korea on November 12 this year and has lined up exciting content for the viewers. Among the roster of Korean content is Grid which is...
True love realizations spin the web of emotional and realistic lessons depicted in jTBC’s The Third Charm. Tracing the romantic journey of Joon Young and Young Jae in The Third Charm provided a few retrospective love messages that would leave the viewers stop for a while to savor the felicity...