Shin Ha Kyun displays a unique charm on the poster of Coupang Play’s sitcom Unicorn. On July 11, Coupang Play published the poster for the sitcom Unicorn. Unicorn depicts the struggle of a K-startup company led by Shin Ha Kyun (Steve), CEO of McComb, and his crew. The poster released...
Action-comedy movie Extreme Job can make you laugh while also thinking about the crime it focuses on! Catching a criminal with a lot of casualties, the narcotics squad unit headed by Captain Ko (Ryu Seung Ryong) is at the brink of disbandment. Chief Choi (Song Young Kyu) gives a tip...
An imaginative project is sealed by TVING featuring a powerhouse cast! TVING’s new original 욘더 Yonder (LT) completes a peerless lineup with Shin Ha Kyun, Han Ji Min, Lee Jung Eun and Jung Jin Young. Slated for 2022 release, Yonder is the story of a man who receives a message...
With a mix of tension, drama, and a little humor, Beyond Evil took viewers to a suspenseful ride, captivating with its peerless writing all throughout. Beyond Evil follows Lee Dong Sik and Han Ju Won, two fearless police officers with tainted pasts. Bent on cracking the case, the two cops...
Lee Dong Sik finally found the person responsible for his sister’s death but it meant Han Ju Won has to go against his own father and bring him to justice. Beyond Evil, all throughout its run did not shy away in showing and exploring sides of humanity that are laudable...
The biggest winners in South Korea’s small and big screens are finally declared in the recently concluded 57th Baeksang Arts Awards. Hosted by Bae Suzy and Shin Dong Hyup, the 57th Baeksang Arts Awards was broadcast on JTBC on May 13. Following the same setup last year it was held...
Suiting up to detective roles, Shin Ha Kyun and Yeo Jin Goo chalked up new project on tvN! Dubbed as sophisticated psychological thriller, 괴물 Beyond Title (WT) depicts the story of two detectives who get entangled with a cryptic serial killer case. It aims a first half of 2021 broadcast...