Intriguing viewers with the two people’s unusual gazes, Monstrous introduces a new genre of shamanism, which will premiere in April. Directed by Jang Geon Jae and produced by Climax Studio, TVING’s original series Monstrous unveils enthralling teaser posters. It reveals the reality of the hell that entwined Koo Kyo Hwan...
Recognizing their hard work, Kim Jae Young and Shin Hyun Been express their heartfelt gratitude for Reflection of You. Reflection of You chronicles the story of two different women, involving love, betrayal, corruption, and revenge. Kim Jae Young portrays a free-spirited sculptor, Seo Woo-jae. He showcased a figure that was entirely integrated...
Depicting multiple faces of reality, Beasts Clawing at Straws tracks down the root of human greed. Diligently working at a sauna, Jung-man (Bae Sung Woo) sees a bag of money left by a customer. He takes care of his mother with dementia together with his wife Young-sun (Jin Kyung). Tae-young...
Reflection of You character sketches reveal the anxious and weary countenance of the four main leads. Reflection of You tells the story of two women who are facing contrasting odds. Jung Hee-joo, a woman who resisted social expectations as a wife and mother, pursues her own desires. Meanwhile, there’s Goo...
Two women with two different worlds intertwine in the latest Wednesday-Thursday drama by JTBC in October. Slated for release in October, the newest poster unveiled for Reflection of You describes the relationship of the female leads of the series. The series is a melodrama about an encounter between two women...
Reflection of You lead cast interestingly shares the series through a relay, attracting the audiences’ interest and building anticipation for the drama. Reflection of You which airs on October 13, is a melodrama about an encounter between two women whose fortunes are completely different. One woman defies the socially acceptable...
Exuding an interesting and foreboding gaze, Go Hyun Jung gives a beckoning look for the first teaser of her new series. Produced by JTBC Studio and Celltrion Entertainment, 너를 닮은 사람 Reflection of You (LT) is sketched on a ruminative note about two women of contrasting fortune. One is at...
TVING brings together Koo Kyo Hwan, Shin Hyun Bin, Kwak Dong Yeon, Nam Da Reum, Park Ho San, and Kim Ji Young for Monstrous TVING’s original, Monstrous, reveals the powerful synergies of remarkable actors and production staff. The series creates a new view of the supernatural genre in Korean drama series. It...
Actress Shin Hyun Bin confirms to take the role as Seo Min Yeong in JTBC’s upcoming series, The Youngest Son Of A Conglomerate. The highly anticipated series, The Youngest Son Of A Conglomerate, adds Shin Hyun Bin to their top-notched actors. Furthermore, Previously, Song Joong Ki and Lee Sung Min were...
Our favorite doctor squad goes through the same emotions but different scenarios in the second episode of Hospital Playlist 2. Doctor-patient interactions made a resounding presence in the latest episode of Hospital Playlist 2. Song-hwa (Jeon Mi Do), Jung-won (Yoo Yeon Seok) and Seok-hyeong (Kim Dae Myung) provided meaningful lessons...