Black Knight smoothly sailed to lay out a solid fictional love story foundation, until the halfway pivot – which stripped off the charm of its embellished premise. Crossing the middle part of the narrative, Black Knight became livid on its trajectory. The initially engaging romance lost its magic along the...
The new cinematic documentary titled Another Record captures the unseen and unfiltered realities of Hallyu stars. Korean giant film companies, Showbox and KT Seezn, collaborate to produce a reality film through Another Record. The project records the never-before-seen lifestyle glimpses of known personalities. The title portrays that the upcoming documentary unveils new “records”...
Run On is that chatty friend of yours who sometimes makes sense, sometimes doesn’t, nevertheless, you end up listening. Dialogue-heavy and with relatively feeble conflict in place, the striking point of Run On is the individual stories of its main characters. Fortunately, the lead actors have all made their roles...
Sending off Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung is no easy thing. Staying true to its core of gifting woman empowering messages, rookie historian Goo Hae Ryung pictured the truly capable dares more than what is asked for. Apart from that, its vibrant narrative consistently brought good vibe to its faithful...
Aired in 2011, Han Suk Kyu, Jang Hyuk and Shin Se Kyung headlined this top-rating historical series about the foundation of the Korean alphabet. Celebrating patriotism and discovering the purpose of being a leader are the main takeaways from Tree With Deep Roots. Main Leads: Han Suk Kyu | Jang...
A surplus of romance that blossomed from friendship abound 2015 Korean Dramas! It also gifted us with memorable heroes. Interestingly, there’s no dominating genre featured in the stories of 2015 Korean Dramas. But most of the series go for either romance or vengeance-driven layer. Note that some of the quick...
Teeming with love stories in varying genres, 2011 Korean Dramas are gifts specifically designed to hopeless romantics. An array of love stories are featured in 2011 Korean dramas that can pique the interest of even those who are not really drawn to saccharine stories. Notably, a parade of Hallyu stars...
Colliding different career worlds, Run On is definitely dialogue-heavy, but as early as its first two chapters, the amusement in knowing the characters more, appears to be its driving appeal. Distinctly described, the unique characters introduced in Run On have quite a recall. It seems to move in a slow-burning...
Im Si Wan and Shin Se Kyung run on to a romantic story fitting for the holiday season! JTBC’s new Wednesday and Thursday series is a romance drama about people living in different worlds eventually establishing firm relationships regardless. Despite struggling with communication they run on towards love. K-Drama First...
Romance is in the air for the featured stories in December 2020 Korean dramas! Ladies, prepare to be smitten as a few of our favorite male leads are set to make our hearts flutter. Two highly-anticipated historical Korean dramas are also going to join the batch of December 2020 Korean...