Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born promises a captivating tale of ambition, rivalry, and the pursuit of dreams. Disney+ is set to debut Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born on October 12, a highly anticipated Korean series that brings to life the inspiring story of a young girl’s quest to dominate the...
tvN’s upcoming drama Jeongnyeon The Star is Born is set to transport viewers back to the post-Korean War era, where the world of women’s gugak was thriving. The series follows the inspiring journey of Yoon Jeong-nyeon, a young woman with a dream of becoming a gugak star. Joining the talented...
Set in the 1950s, Jeongnyeon The Star is Born offers a glimpse into the vibrant world of gugak, a traditional Korean musical form. The series follows the inspiring journey of Yoon Jeong-nyeon, a young woman with an extraordinary talent for singing. Born into a humble family in Mokpo, Jeongnyeon dreams...
tvN’s upcoming weekend drama Jeongnyeon The Star is Born has revealed its first two posters, set against the evocative backdrop of a national theater troupe. Jeongnyeon The Star is Born is a drama that explores the fierce competition, solidarity, and vibrant growth of Jeongnyeon, a naturally gifted vocalist striving to...
Featuring the story of a woman with a natural talent for singing who entered Yeoseong Gukgeuk troupe, Jeong Nyeon 정년이 taps talented young and seasoned actresses. Kim Tae Ri, Shin Ye Eun, and Ra Mi Ran lead the drama as well as a special appearance by Moon So-ri. Kim Tae...
A stream of surprising revelations heightens the growing tension in the 5th week of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. Dropping much-awaited answers to the theories thus far, the series enters a thrilling phase as the political struggle surges in the next episodes. abbyinhallyuland watches The Secret Romantic Guesthouse on Viu Episode...
Surprising revelations make the guessing game of the real heir to the throne complicated in the 4th week of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. While romance highlights blossom in the story, the King’s mercurial wrath continuously leads to merciless deaths of people in the country. abbyinhallyuland watches The Secret Romantic Guesthouse...
Keeping viewers hooked with its puzzling who-is-snowflake-and-watchman game, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse opens new theories in its 3rd week. A clearer picture of the good and bad camps is also drawn in the latest episodes that boil down to the identity of Lee Seol and the quenchless desire of the...
From a modest opening week, the series doubles the pace and excitement with revelations in the 2nd week of The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. Dan-oh successfully made a deal with Master Jang and she acquiesces to have the three orabeonnis living in her inn be at her aid. abbyinhallyuland watches The...
Yoon Dan-oh is set to embark on a seemingly impossible mission to keep the house left by her father in The Secret Romantic Guesthouse. Lucky for her, she has three capable men all willing to protect and help her. abbyinhallyuland watches The Secret Romantic Guesthouse on Viu Opening Week Rating:...