Set for a spectacular show, Park Hae Jin, Jin Ki Joo, Jung Joon Ho, and Kim Hee Jae prepares the mood of From Now On Showtime as they transform into their roles in recent character posters. Slated to broadcast every weekend starting on April 23, Showtime Begins continues the fun with its recent...
A romantic story between a magician and a police officer is one of the drawing points to watch out for in Showtime Begins! Showtime Begins takes a ghost comedy investigation route about Cha Cha-woong (Park Hae Jin), a charismatic but cold-hearted magician, and Go Seul-hae (Jin Ki Joo), a passionate...
Along with photos from the first table read of Showtime Begins, MBC also revealed details about the story and characters. Looking forward to its delightful run, the series launches on April 23 at 9 PM, taking the weekend slot of MBC. Showtime Begins takes a ghost comedy investigation route about...
Park Hae Jin, Jin Ki Joo, Go Gyu Pil, and Jung Suk Yong immerse in their roles to give us a good laugh through Showtime Begins! Parading Showtime Begins‘ shooting progress, MBC unveiled still cuts of the actors on set. Park Hae Jin, Jin Ki Joo, Go Gyu Pil, and...