Suffusing the narrative with peerless character portrayals and thrill-infused plot twists, Snowdrop keeps escalating its euphoric momentum that it’s hard not to be intoxicated by it. Mounting a love tale in the backdrop of political strife between the divided Koreas, the series has so far made every episode ending a...
By disclosing some of the contents of Snowdrop, JTBC comprehensively enlightens viewers about the drama’s ongoing concerns. On the 23rd, JTBC announced a special program through an official statement. Likewise, JTBC indicated that it is not possible to broadcast the entire narrative at once in order to quell the controversy...
Unveiling a bittersweet story, JTBC’s upcoming drama Snowdrop starring Jung Hae In and Kim Jisoo launches on December 18. Snowdrop follows Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a well-known university student who seeks refuge in a women’s dormitory. In the middle of the crisis, he encounters Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student...
Acquainting viewers to its big-cast production, Snowdrop releases teasers featuring the main characters. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and treats him in the midst of...
Award-winning Korean pop idol Jisoo talks about her feelings working with Jung Hae In on their upcoming drama Snowdrop. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and...
Prior to its grand premiere, JTBC’s Snowdrop teases a dramatic atmosphere and introduces the characters in a one-minute trailer. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho, a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro, a female university student who hides and treats him in the...
Capturing the main leads’ momentous meeting, JTBC’s Snowdrop reveals the dramatic stills between Jung Hae In and Jisoo. In the photos released by the production team, Im Su-ho (Jung Hae In) and Eun Young-ro (Kim Jisoo) were seen hugging each other. Indeed, it is a scene in which an apprehensive...
Flashing arresting character posters of its lead pairing, Snowdrop prepares for a sweet and emotional romance. Set in 1987, Snowdrop narrates the story of Su-ho, a prestigious university student who hides in a women’s university dormitory. He meets Young-ro, a female university student, who hides and treats him in the...
As South Korea tears itself apart in the midst of a democratic movement, can Young Ro and Su Ho stay together? Upcoming JTBC drama Snowdrop has released a teaser video earlier today, featuring the main leads (played by Jung Hae In and BLACKPINK’s Jisoo) about to hold hands. Created by the...
A new teaser image of Snowdrop showcasing a heart-fluttering moment between Jung Hae In and Jisoo has been released! Confirming its first broadcast on December 18, upcoming JTBC Saturday drama Snowdrop unveils a new teaser. In the newly released poster, Su-ho, portrayed by Jung Hae In, stares somewhere with a...