Netflix affirms the production and casting of the thriller-political drama, The Whirlwind! The Whirlwind depicts the confrontation between the prime minister who wants to root out the corrupt giant power and the deputy prime minister for the economy who opposes it. Portraying Prime Minister Park Dong-ho who wants to judge...
Before the official launch, the lead cast and director of Kill Boksoon convey interesting stories while filming. Director Byun Sung-hyun together with Kill Boksoon lead stars Jeon Do Yeon, Sol Kyung Gu, Esom, Kim Si A and Koo Kyo Hwan share eventful experiences while working on the film. Kill Boksoon...
Heightening interest, Netflix’s Kill Boksoon unveiled a gripping final teaser video featuring the lead cast! Confirmed to drop on March 31, Jeon Do Yeon juggles motherhood and contract killing in her new role in Kill Boksoon. Kill Boksoon is an action film following Boksoon, who leads a double life of...
Netflix film Kill Boksoon unleashes character posters of Jeon Do Yeon, Sol Kyung Gu, Esom and Koo Kyo Hwan in vivid and distinct charms. Confirmed to drop on March 31, Jeon Do Yeon juggles motherhood and contract killing in her new role in Kill Boksoon. Kill Boksoon is an action...
Four K-Movies on Viu are set to gift spectacular film experiences for Viuers in June. Next month, hope you’re all set for fascinating treats for everyone to indulge. Award-winning and stellar actors banner new flicks that would surely engross. Kingmaker Streaming on Viu from 4 Jun Starring Sol Kyung Gu...
Finally held with Korean entertainment artists and creators convened at a venue, the 58th Baeksang Arts Awards rolled out the big winners in film and television. The 58th Baeksang Arts Awards was held with over 1,200 spectators. Notably, the nominees enjoyed the festival this time sitting side by side. Shin...
A formidable and unruly spy leads a black ops unit of NIS to an enthralling mission by all means possible in Yaksha: Ruthless Operations. His lawbreaking nature though gets unexpected variable when an upright prosecutor gets added to his team’s goal. abbyinhallyuland watched Yaksha: Ruthless Operations on Netflix K-Movie Rating:...
Since its worldwide release on April 8, the Netflix movie Yaksha: Ruthless Operations achieved third place in the Netflix global TOP 10 movie (non-English) category. Yashka: Ruthless Operations follows the story of a breathtaking battle among a team of NIS agents, a special inspection prosecutor, and agents of various national...
Unveiling teasers for Yaksha: Ruthless Operations, Netflix is set to give an arresting spy action movie on April 8! Yashka: Ruthless Operations follows the story of a breathtaking battle among a team of NIS agents, a special inspection prosecutor, and agents of various national intelligence agencies. It is a spy...
A dream collaboration is set for Director Kim Yong Hwa, Sol Kyung Gu and EXO member and actor Do Kyung Soo. Confirmed to work for the film titled 더 문 The Moon, the project eyes to start filming in the first half of 2021. Highly anticipated as Director Kim’s new...