Breaking grounds in a foreign setting, Big Bet ventures on a story packed with crime and corruption. Initially seeming light, the story of a man with humble beginnings turns darker as he becomes a legend outside his country. Confronting uncomfortable truths from both countries featured, the series depicts a realistic...
Cooperating with the Korean desk in Big Bet, Moo-sik contributes information on the recent murder. Launching an investigation into the murder found on a sugarcane field, Seung-hun hears out what Moo-sik has to say. Meanwhile, So-jung takes a run on Ms. Ko’s winnings, but Philip warns her of the dangers...
Learning about the murders that occurred, Moo-sik protects his connections in Big Bet. Adjusting to his new working conditions in the Philippines, Seung-hun begins his investigation on the CEO of Pastella. Meanwhile, Moo-sik learns about the murders his acquaintances committed. Marcie Line watched Big Bet on Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01-03...
SBS released Lee Sun Kyun’s teaser poster for his upcoming drama Payback. Payback is a thriller, mystery, business drama directed by Lee Won Tae starring Lee Sun Kyun (Diary of a Prosecutor, My Mister), Moon Chae Won (Flower of Evil), Son Eun Seo (Voice), Kang Yoo Seok (Growing Season), Park...
Voice 4 actors including its lead stars Song Seung Heon, Lee Ha Na, and Lee Kyu Hyung relayed their insights on the drama’s finale. Song Seung Heon, who played the role of detective Derek Jo shared, “I’m filled with emotions thinking about Voice 4 coming to an end after everyone...