Along with the release date, a teaser poster and trailer were unfurled for Soulmate! Soulmate is a remake of the 2016 Chinese film of the same name. It tells the story of two friends who shared fond memories together. The film stars Kim Da Mi, Jeon So Nee and Byun...
Fresh off the heels of his well-loved OTT film, Byun Woo Seok is set to carve his presence at the Korean box office with Soulmate. Soulmate is a remake of the 2016 Chinese film of the same name. It tells the story of two friends who shared fond memories together....
A wistful film about sisterhood is sealed in Soulmate! Soulmate is a remake of the 2016 Chinese film of the same name. It tells the story of two friends who shared fond memories together. They recognized each other from the first meeting and shared everything from happiness to sadness, excitement,...
Challenging a critically-acclaimed 2016 Chinese film for their new project, the two talented actresses are set to greet the viewers at the Korean box office. Directed by Min Young-geun and backed up by Climax Studio and Endmark Studio; the Korean film Soulmate affirms release in March with two teaser posters....