As a masked man in Squid Game, Wi Ha Joon conveyed his appreciation for the success of the series. Netflix original series, Squid Game, chronicles participants in a cryptic survival game with a prize of 45.6 billion dollar. Players stake their lives to be the lone winner in the extreme...
Sharing the behind-the-scenes snippets of Squid Game, Park Hae Soo feels grateful for the success of the series. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, follows participants in a cryptic survival game with a 45.6 billion dollar prize. Cho Sang-woo (Park Hae Soo) and other players risk their lives to be...
Squid Game director expresses his gratitude for the success of the series and carefully discusses his season 2 plans. Netflix’s original series, Squid Game, follows participants in a cryptic survival game with a prize of 45.6 billion dollars. Players are also willing to stake their lives to be the lone...
A story conceived over a decade ago, the highly-anticipated Netflix series Squid Game officially begins on September 17. Ahead of the global launch, the cast and director conveyed stories about Squid Game at the press conference hosted by Netflix. Director Hwang Dong Hyuk together with lead stars Lee Jung Jae,...