Nam Da Reum conveys his feelings working for the first time as an adult in Netflix’s movie, The 8th Night. The actor plays young monk Chong Seok and one of the main characters of the film The 8th Night. The 8th Night is the most recent Korean mystery-thriller film on...
The 8th Night took supernatural and thriller films to another level. Viewers who love horror movies will find this film fascinating. *Spoiler Alert The 8th Night follows the story of the retired exorcist Park Jin Su (Lee Sung Min). Two thousand years ago, two beings were locked up to prevent...
Mystery thriller The 8th Night released chilling teaser photos and film trailer. Netflix announces The 8th Night releases on July 2 that supposedly premiered in 2020. Directed and written by Kim Tae Hyung, a rookie director, the five senses of the film are stimulated in the unveiled teasers. The streaming...