Recently, the occult-thriller film The Cursed: Again unveiled intriguing photos. The Cursed: Again is an expansion of lauded tvN series, The Cursed which thrilled and excited viewers when it aired in 2020. Highly focused on the investigation of a mysterious serial murder case, the film enthuses with its plot about corpses...
On July 24, JTBC Studio, a production company, announced that three more companies joined them! Climax Studio, Production H Films, and Contents Zium are now part of the revolutionary Korean production company. JTBC Studio defined these companies that bestow high-quality content films, broadcastings, and OTT (over-the-top) movies. The growth of...
In the doctor-detective-prosecutor-dominated K-Drama sphere, characters dealing in paranormal activities totally stand out! From crime thrillers and romantic comedies, Korean supernatural dramas have become fan favorites. If these stories pique your interest, make sure not to miss this curated list. 1. Sell Your Haunted House Jang Nara and Jung Yong...
From music, resonating characters, standout stories – and all else in between; 2020 Korean Dramas have endowed us with brave and inspiring series. With the global pandemic situation, a significant rise in popularity is inevitable as international streaming platforms also made moves to improve their respective curated Korean Dramas available...
With the Halloween weekend just around the corner, here’s my curated list especially featuring Supernatural Korean dramas that you might want to watch. We surely will miss the traditional Halloween parties we would have attended should COVID-19 did not happen. So, let’s just bring the chilling mood while we are...
On its 12-episode run, The Cursed presents the idea of how vengeance is driven by greed, yet ironically springs from an urge to protect the people we care about. Bravely deconstructing the world of Shamanism, its small and efficient cast propelled a continuously intensifying narrative that sedates viewers to stay until...