The King’s Affection revokes a dynamic history while also heralding the beginning of new stories for its grand premiere! With the goal of defining love in a variety of ways, the series is off to a promising start in terms of foreshadowing a plot and well-developed characters. The narrative captures...
A story of intertwining devotion, The King’s Affection makes its grand premiere on October 13! Prior to its launch, Director Song Hyun Wook and its vibrant young cast: Park Eun Bin, Kim Rowoon, Nam Yoon Su, Choi Byungchan, Bae Yoon Kyung and Jung Chaeyeon pleasantly introduced their characters. They also...
Set to parade a poignant palace romance, the much-awaited love pair to dominate the K-Drama world are set to ascend on October 11. As the release of The King’s Affection approaches, worldwide fans anticipate the heart-fluttering and dizzying historical romance of Park Eun Bin and Kim Rowoon. Before heading to its first...