Beautifully sketched characters are introduced in the opening week of The One and Only. Set to revolve in a hospice where terminally ill people reside, the series has so far impressed with a ruminative screenplay. It is clear in not just incorporating a unique problem to be tackled by the...
Each diagnosed with a terminal illness, three women befriend one another at “Morning Light,” a hospice center in The One and Only. The One and Only chronicles an emotional romantic drama about three dying women. They decide to take down one bad guy before they die. In their attempt to...
Yoon Bora takes an interesting role in the upcoming JTBC drama, The One and Only. The One and Only follows the story of three terminally ill women who met at a hospice. Prior to their deaths, they scheme to kill one bad person. In the process, they meet that one...
JTBC’s The One and Only releases a teaser foreshadowing the three women’s final wish, which will premiere this December! The One and Only follows the story of three women as they meet at a hospice. Prior to their deaths, they scheme to kill one bad person. In the process, they...