Visually striking, the lead stars of The Matchmakers tangle in a wedding battle. Rowoon and Cho Yi Hyun are displayed in the main poster romance version of the coming KBS2 Monday-Tuesday series. The Matchmakers is a comic melodrama about a struggling matchmaker. Set in the Joseon era, an old maid and...
Rowoon and Cho Yi Hyun transform into their characters in highly-awaited, The Matchmakers! The Matchmakers is a comic melodrama about a struggling matchmaker. Set in the Joseon era, an old maid and an old bachelor work together in a grand wedding operation. In the drama, Hanyang’s most resentful man, Shim Jung-woo,...
Rowoon and Cho Yi Hyun lead the table read of KBS2 Monday-Tuesday series, The Matchmakers! The Matchmakers is a comic melodrama about a struggling matchmaker. Set in the Joseon era, an old maid and an old bachelor work together in a grand wedding operation. In the drama, Hanyang’s most resentful man,...
KBS2 TV has tapped talented actors Kim Rowoon and Cho Yi Hyun in the new Monday-Tuesday drama, The Wedding Battle. Predicting a revolutionary concept in historical drama with its romantic comedy elements, the series is due to broadcast in October. The Wedding Battle 혼례대첩 (LT) is a comic melodrama about...